Skills of Dirt Bike Riding

Created Date: 2022-07-28 14:50:17
Summary of my off-road motorcycle driving skills , please point out if there is something wrong :

When driving an off-road motorcycle, you have to face sharp turns, bumps, skidding, flying and other situations, and it is easy to lose your balance.

1、 In order to maintain balance, the driving posture of sitting and squatting must be adopted in time. Sitting posture is generally used when walking straight, turning and skiing, because half squatting is more laborious, so try to save energy when you can save energy. But no matter what posture, both legs should always be clamped on both sides of the car body, unless you have to stretch out your legs to maintain balance or do difficult skills in the air.

Driving posture is the premise of mastering other skills and the most basic content.

Cross country motorcycles can go up and down a certain slope, but many riders think that there is no difficulty in doing so. In fact, this idea is very unrealistic, and they are often frustrated because of immature technology. On the contrary, we should practice repeatedly in accordance with scientific methods in order to master this driving technology.

When going uphill, you should move your center of gravity forward and lie prone on the handlebars to prevent the front wheels from lifting. At the same time, you should pay attention to pulling your waist back appropriately, increase the load on the rear wheels, avoid the rear wheels from slipping, and work hard to climb the top of the slope without any pause. You should try to stick to the end. Here, the confidence to stick to the end is very important. When the motorcycle reaches the top of the slope, bend your legs quickly and slow down at the same time.

Try to slow down when going downhill. Braking should be mainly done later, supplemented by previous braking.

When going downhill, straighten your arms and legs, pull your waist back as far as possible, and move your weight back. In order to prevent the whole vehicle from leaning forward when the front wheels encounter obstacles. At the same time, try not to twist the handlebars of the motor car and go downhill in a hurry, so as to avoid overturning to the greatest extent and go down to the bottom of the slope smoothly.

The off-road vehicle can use the inclined plane steering and its own inclined steering when turning during driving. There are brake steering and accelerator acceleration steering using self tilting steering.

When using the brake to turn, the motorcycle can enter the corner faster. Hold the clutch with your left hand and press the handle in the turning direction, so that the body tilts. When the body tilts outward, slam on the rear brake at the same time, so that the rear wheel is locked, and the body will rotate laterally. When turning to the direction of travel, quickly increase the accelerator, release the clutch, and the motorcycle will rush out in a new direction.

When accelerating the steering with the accelerator, you should use a lower gear, pull the clutch with your left hand, tilt naturally with the weight of the motorcycle, and step out with one foot in the direction you turn. The other foot is on the pedal lever, the knee is close to the body, and the body tilts outward. When the body tilts to a large enough angle, quickly fill the door and release the clutch. At this time, the rear wheel will start to rotate with the left foot as the center. When it turns to the desired direction, it will quickly upright the body and body, and the motorcycle will rush out in a new direction.

In cross-country races and recreational activities in the wild, we will drive cross-country motorcycles through the country roads, and the roads are hollow and rocky, which is inevitable. Otherwise, the fun of driving cross-country motorcycles will not be reflected. To drive on such an uneven road, you should master the following skills.

The upper body should always be naturally relaxed, and at the same time, it should be slightly bent forward. Never be stiff, so as to remain unchanged and cope with changes. Clamp the body with both knees to integrate the lower body and the body. The buttocks are off the seat and in a semi upright position. In this way, when the motorcycle travels on the washboard like road, it will bump violently and shake, but the body can still maintain a good balance. Special attention should be paid to the tacit understanding of clutch and throttle control, otherwise, the body may tilt forward or backward.

In this way, we are bound to get more enjoyment in cross-country activities.

Jumping is common in competitions and has great potential for skill development. Of course, it should also be noted that the person who does not jump the highest runs the fastest. Jump high, you can do some difficult actions, and the performance is stronger.

When approaching the take-off point, the body takes a semi standing posture; Keep accelerating properly. If you accelerate with all your strength, danger may occur due to too fast speed; When you reach the best take-off point, increase the throttle and pull the handle forward at the same time; At this time, people and cars soar into the air. When they are in the air, their knees tightly clamp the body, the accelerator returns to its original position, the waist moves forward, and the whole body relaxes, ready to absorb the impact of landing at any time; When landing, let the rear wheels land first and the front wheels follow, so that the front and rear wheels can absorb the violent impact together. If the front wheels land first or do not let the front wheels disperse the impact force, the car may lose its balance.

This is a basic action of single peak jumping, as well as double peak and multi peak jumping. The jumping technology is different, because the landing place is different, which requires the driver to adjust his posture appropriately in the air. The former rear wheels share the impact force from the ground and are conducive to rapid acceleration after landing.

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In practice, you must start from the small platform, find the feeling, and then increase the height.

Lifting the front wheel is one of the most basic skills for driving an off-road motorcycle. It can be said that if you can't lift the front wheel, it means that you haven't stepped into the threshold of being able to play an off-road motorcycle. Maybe this statement is unscientific, but in fact, many people think so. Therefore, the mastery of this skill is very important for lovers. We should not grasp it with the intention of attracting people's attention, but know how much it can be used for our actual driving. It is the skill of crossing obstacles such as ditches, ridges, rocks, steps, beams, etc.

There are two ways. Use your body and the accelerator to lift the front wheel and use the clutch to lift the front wheel.

When using the body and accelerator to lift the front wheel, first of all, keep balance and control the speed well; Then lean forward as far as possible to make the front * contract due to weight; Finally, the center of gravity of the body moves back quickly, and at the same time, use the rebound force of the front * extension to lift the handlebar. Increase the accelerator appropriately, and the front wheel will lift up.

When using the clutch to lift the front wheel, first of all, keep balance and control the speed well; Then lift and pinch the clutch handle, add some accelerator to keep the engine speed within an appropriate range, and finally quickly release the clutch handle, and the front wheel will lift naturally due to the driving force of the rear wheel.

In practice, there are many practical problems, such as the power of the vehicle, the coordination between the body and the throttle, clutch control, psychological quality, etc., which may affect the success of the exercise. Of course, people with high technology can ride bicycles on one wheel, not to mention cross-country motorcycles with a certain driving force. Therefore, beginners prefer vehicles with large acceleration for practice.

After the front wheel is lifted, the accelerator and brake should be properly controlled to adjust the appropriate height and maintain a good balance. When the front wheel falls, slightly increase the throttle; When the front wheels are raised too high, step on the rear brake in time. At this time, the motorcycle will maintain the posture of raising the front wheels and drive forward.

Lifting the rear wheel, like lifting the front wheel, is also one of the basic skills of driving an off-road motorcycle

The best way to lift the rear wheel is to choose the asphalt pavement with great friction, followed by the plastic runway pavement, and then the cement pavement. Unless you have some skills on other roads, you'd better not practice.

Beginners' requirements for motorcycles are that the front brake should be a hydraulic disc, otherwise it is difficult to lock the front wheels at once. After skilled, it can be drum front brake. It is worth noting that the front wheels are locked, which is very dangerous. The most appropriate use of braking is not to lock the wheels.

Before lifting the rear wheel, keep the motorcycle at a certain speed and drive in a straight line. Clamp the body with both knees to integrate the man and vehicle. Grasp the front brake handle to lock the front wheel. Hold the handle with both hands, lean forward and move the center of gravity forward. The motorcycle will lift the rear wheels due to inertia, the contraction of the front shock absorber and the coordination of the human body.

After lifting, release the front brake according to the situation, so that the whole vehicle will not roll forward due to too fast speed.

Pay special attention to the choice of road surface and keep driving in a straight line.

In fact, the technology of in situ steering is the same as that of accelerating steering with accelerator. But the angle of turning in place is much larger, which can be 360 degrees or even more.

When turning in place, you should use a lower gear, pull the clutch handle with your left hand, tilt naturally with the weight of the motorcycle, step out with one foot in the direction of turning, and the handlebar should also turn to the direction of turning. The other foot is on the pedal lever, the knee is close to the body, and the body tilts outward. When the body tilts to a large enough angle, quickly fill the door and release the clutch. At this time, the rear wheel will start to rotate with the left foot as the center, and the rotation angle can be determined by physical strength.

The application of in situ steering technology in real life is great, especially when you want to leave quickly after parking in a crowded place, in situ steering is the best Methods.

2. When you walk up or down the mountain, you should notice that you need to keep your body vertical to the horizontal plane often, otherwise you will easily fall; This action is what we often say to keep the center of gravity.

This principle is also applicable to off-road motorcycles. It is very important to maintain balance. Whether you make a curve to accelerate or collect oil on the front wheel, or improve the driving ability of the rear wheel, learning how to maintain the center of gravity under different circumstances can keep you in the car.

On uneven roads, you need to often change the position of your center of gravity. When you become more and more proficient in driving off-road motorcycles, this ability to change the position of your center of gravity will become part of your instinct. Simply put, this process is to make the wheel your shoe and learn not to tumble out of the car.

For your body, when you stand on an off-road motorcycle, it constitutes the most effective suspension unit. For off-road motorcycles, standing is the best driving posture, so you must try to practice and master this skill.


When we stand on the car, we can move the center of gravity forward and backward more easily, or to the right, and greatly reduce the ground vibration transmitted by the motorcycle. In addition, you can't believe it. When you stand up, because your weight is concentrated on the pedal, the center of gravity of you and the motorcycle will move downward, making the motorcycle more stable to drive. If you don't believe it, you can try it by yourself, use the way of standing and sitting to turn on the ground, and use your strength to control the speed, then you will naturally know which posture is better.

However, when you are ready to enter the corner, sitting down has the best effect, and you should tilt your body forward so that your shoulders are aligned with the control lever in order to move your weight to the front wheels. In addition, you should also extend your feet close to the side of the curve until you almost reach the position of the front wheel shaft. This has two functions. First, it can strengthen the traction of the front wheels. Second, when you encounter problems, your feet can react immediately to balance the car body. When you enter a corner, you should immediately move your body weight back and accelerate into a standing position. At this point, you can further move your body forward or backward to increase the traction of the motorcycle and find out

The most ideal center of gravity position.

Another good exercise is called peg weighting. If you feel a little off the saddle when you turn, you can put all your weight on the legs outside the bend, which will help the motorcycle stay under you and make you recover faster. Many experts in cross-country motorcycle racing will regard cross-country racing as an acceleration race of motorcycles.

In other words, on the straight road, you have to exert the explosive force of speed, and when turning, you have to find the best support point so that you can turn the corner smoothly as soon as possible, and then accelerate forward again. Therefore, your control over the center of gravity of your body and the traction caused by this on the motorcycle will become the key to victory.

As for the super cross-country obstacle race, because it has other technical requirements, such as short-distance repeated jumping, in addition to paying attention to speed, you also need to learn other control skills. For example, you must understand and master your rhythm. A higher speed does not necessarily mean that you can walk faster. This principle also applies to the track.

For example, on some narrow roads, you can use a higher driving speed on the outer line, but the inner line can let you walk a shorter distance, but it will be slower than the outer line. Cross country obstacle racers must often face this choice, and the route you choose must also be based on your current speed and subsequent obstacles

Different. For example, when you turn a corner and then have to cross a double jump 60 feet away, your only choice may be the outer line, so that you have enough space to land and maintain a high driving speed.

On the other hand, choosing the inside line also has its advantages. Due to the short distance, the walking time is shorter than that of the outside line, and there is a chance to surpass other players on the outside line. Therefore, these two kinds of driving choices have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is best to learn them at the same time. These can be mastered slowly through practice.

When turning, we mainly have the following three bending methods: squaring, berming and sliding.

Quadrature bending method : 
Generally, it can provide the quickest steering action. When the driver reaches the corner, he uses the accelerator to reduce the speed of the motorcycle on the one hand, and on the other hand, he uses the inside corner

Step on the ground with your feet as a fulcrum, swing the car in the right direction, and then straighten the car body, turn the wave, refuel, and then rush forward. In addition to the good coordination of speed and foot support, the body will quickly lean to one side, so the position and transfer of the body's center of gravity must also be well coordinated, otherwise it will only overturn and end.

Edge bending method :
Gu Mingsi means to use the edge or slope of the track to attack bends. You drive the car onto the edge outside the track, especially on the retaining wall or slope, and try to keep the car vertical on its plane regardless of the angle of the slope. When you use this move, you will be a bit like a wall crashing Death Squadron, and the faster you drive, the closer your body tilts to the horizontal. The edge turning method is a very useful skill, and in practice, you can start with the groove on the track and slowly drive up the slope of the track. When you are familiar with this method, you will find that it is faster and smoother than the other two methods.

Sliding bending method :
It is a bending method used by relatively few people, especially for veterans. Similarly, as the name suggests, this turning method mainly relies on the heavy braking of the rear brake to make the rear wheels sweep out, and then control the accelerator to accelerate and slide, turning the car to the direction of turning. This method is a bit like the quadrature bending method, but it is easy to get out of control. However, this technique is quite helpful in dealing with unexpected situations, such as when a car suddenly crosses in front of you without warning.